Jason graduated for him Correctional Officer's Academy this week with top honors. He's been attending the academy in Yuba City (about an hours away from our house) for the past 5-weeks. He was assigned duty as Class Sergeant, the second highest rank in the class. He was in-charge of all of the class discipline and leadership. He also won an academic award for being ranked #3 in the class for G.P.A., which he was actually disappointed with! He'd been ranked #1 for most of the academy and ended up missing getting the #1 slot by 0.2 of a percent. We were still proud of him!
The awards Jason we most proud to get were the two he was nominated for by his classmates. Jason was voted "Best in Class" for his overall academic and physical performance as well as his leadership abilities. The second award his classmates nominated him for was for leadership. His classmates chose him as, "someone with good ethics and judgement skills, the ability to stay calm in a stressful situation, a true leader and the one person everyone would choose to work beside them." It was a big honor to win these awards!
Currently, Jason is attending another academy at Yuba College that will make him an official Peace Officer and enable him to be able to carry a firearm while on the job (although they do not carry firearms in the jail). In this academy, he has been chosen as the Class Platoon Leader, the #1 rank in the class. We are so proud of all Jason's accomplishments, and we know so many good things are to come of his career!