Sunday, May 17, 2009

A quiet day at home- FINALLY!

Today was so wonderful! We have all been so sick, and with this being the crazy-end-of-school-insanity time of year, I have not been able to rest.... at all.... for weeks! This day, the day after the big birthday party, is JUST what I've been needing! Our house is all clean, the boys have tons of new toys to play with from James' party yesterday, and I have nothing on my agenda. We built Spongebob's Krusty Krab as well as a Jedi Starfighter out of Legos, James completed his first Bionicles, we made stickers, colored with new Blendy Pens, molded with Fusion Clay, and more! I have been able to rest, relax, and enjoy some time at home with my family today, and I couldn't ask for a better day!
Owen doin' some water play in the backyard.
James rockin' his new superhero get-up, handmade for him by my talented friend, Kristin.
Playing Bionicles on the back porch.
Up, up... and away!!!

Don't mess with this superhero!


Birdsong said...

Sometimes its the simple things that nourish the most. I loved seeing the photos of your boys.